Trademark services in Tunisia
As a leading Tunisian trademark agent, Trademark services in Tunisia are one of our main specialities. Achour Law Firm | IP is well positioned to answer all your questions and to provide you with all information on Trademark services in Tunisia and on the involved costs to register a Tunisian trade mark.
Trademark services in Tunisia are at the heart of our practices.
Trademarks are the most valuable assets a business will ever own. Businesses of all sizes spend a considerable amount of time and resources creating, developing, and implementing their trademarks with the goal of building substantial brand recognition and goodwill among consumers like you and me, and they will often go through the Tunisian mark registration process in order to protect them.
Whenever a new product, a service or a mark is introduced in the market it is necessary for it to have a specific trademark. You have to choose a suitable trademark for your product or service. To get a trade mark registration in Tunisia that can be used to protect your company’s name or logo from use by other competitors, your Tunisian trade mark application shall be field in good and due form. Our Tunisian trademark protection guide will help you to protect a trade mark in Tunisia. As leading Tunisian trademark agent, Trademark services in Tunisia are one of our main specialities.
Although Achour Law firm is a full-service firm, it has strong experience in the intellectual property market. In fact, Achour Law firm | IP has been servicing intellectual property matters in Tunisia for a large number of clients, both local and multinational.
Intellectual Property law still a main practice of Achour Law Firm. Trade mark practice is just one of the specialist services we provide. The firm offers full service IP practice providing clients with a comprehensive and highly tailored service to meet their exact Intellectual Property needs. We are expert in Trademark services in Tunisia and in so many Arab countries.
We offer a comprehensive range of trademark services in Tunisia and so many other Arab countries.
Our trademark services in Tunisia include:
- Trademark search in Tunisia
- Filing trademark application in Tunisia
- Tunisian Trademark registration
- International Trademark registration
- Trademark Opposition in Tunisia
- Trademark cancellation
- Trademark assignment in Tunisia
- Trademark license in Tunisia
- Trademark registration changes
- Trademark renewal in Tunisia
- Trademark due diligence in Tunisia
- Trademark protection in Tunisia
- Trademark watching services in Tunisia
- Trademark Portfolio Management in Tunisia
- Customs seizure proceedings in Tunisia
- Trademark infringement